It is a list of comma separated values in square brackets. >>> x = [‘Hello’, 10, ‘World’, ’20’] >>> print x [‘Hello’, 10, ‘World’, ’20’]
First element in the list starts at 0 index. >>> x[0] ‘Hello’
>>> type(x) # function type() specifies type of an object.
<type ‘list’> # x is of type list
>>> x[-1]
>>> x[-2]
List can have items of different types unlike in C/C++ where we can have array of only single type.
Lists can be sliced, concatenated and so on: >>> x[:2] #list sliced to display first two elements
[‘Hello’, 10]
>>> x[:-1]
[‘Hello’, 10, ‘World’] # list sliced to drop 2 elements
>>> x[:1] + [‘Good Morning’] # Concatenate 2 lists
[‘Hello’, ‘Good Morning’]
Apart, from this you have several other in-built methods like append, count, extend, reverse, pop, etc to add, delete, count items, etc.
>>> x.append(40)
>>> x
[‘Hello’, 10, ‘World’, ’20’, 40]
• Unlike strings, which are immutable, it is possible to change individual elements of a list:
>>> a
[‘Hello’, 10, ‘World’, ’20’]
>>> x[1] = x[1] + 23
>>> print x [‘Hello’, 33, ‘World’, ’20]